Semi Truck Dimensions

2014 prostar pre-owned day cab interior

When it comes to semi truck dimensions, there’s a bit of variety. On average, semi trucks in the United States are around 72 feet long, 8.5 feet wide, and 13.5 feet tall. They can have a gross weight of up to 80,000 pounds. Choosing to buy a used truck gives you even more options in terms of length, width, and height, as well as day cab or sleeper cab sizes. Learn more about the semi truck dimensions for some of the industry’s most popular vehicles, including those from International and other brands.

International Semi Truck Dimensions

International trucks offer a range of dimensions to suit all sorts of applications. Here’s a look at the dimensions of some of the International models available at International Used Truck Centers:


  • Day Cab
  • 56″ Low Roof Sleeper
  • 56″ Hi-Rise Sleeper
  • 73″ Hi-Rise Sleeper
  • 73″ Sky-Rise Sleeper

The ProStar® daycab is 82 inches wide and offers about 40 inches of headroom and 30 inches of legroom.


  • Day Cab
  • 56-inch Low Roof Sleeper
  • 56-inch Hi-Rise Sleeper
  • 73-inch Hi-Rise Sleeper
  • 73-inch Sky-Rise Sleeper

Drivers can choose from four sleeper configurations for the LoneStar®, which has a wheelbase range of 167 to 280 inches.

RH® Series:

  • Day Cab
  • Day Cab with Roof Fairing
  • 56″ Hi-Rise Sleeper
  • 56″ Hi-Rise Sleeper with Roof Fairing
  • 56″ Low-Rise Sleeper

The Regional Haul model is available in two day cab configurations, including one with a roof fairing for greater aerodynamics, as well as three sleeper configurations with plenty of room for the essentials.

Dimensions for Other Semi Truck Brands

You’ll find a variety of used semi trucks for sale at International Used Truck Centers, including popular models from Freightliner, Kenworth, Volvo, and Peterbilt. Explore their dimensions below:

  • Freightliner: The CASCADIA is one of the brand’s most beloved semi trucks. It offers one day cab and two raised roof configurations ranging from 60 to 72 inches, as well as three mid-roof XT configurations ranging from 48 to 72 inches.
  • Kenworth: The Kenworth T680 is one of the industry’s most customizable semi trucks. It offers 76-inch high-roof and mid-roof sleepers, as well as 52-inch mid-roof and 40-inch flat-top sleepers.
  • Volvo: Depending on the model, Volvo semi trucks offer interior heights of 61 to 102.25 inches, as well as a mattress depth of 36 to 42 inches and a mattress width of 75 to 81 inches.
  • Peterbilt: Peterbilt makes two on-highway trucks: 579 and 389. The 579 is available in high- and low-roof configurations, as well as UltraLoft with 80-, 72-, 58-, and 44-inch options. The 389 sleepers are available in 44-, 58-, 72-, and 78-inch configurations.

Find a Spacious Used Truck at International Used Truck Centers!

Whether your application calls for a day cab or a sleeper, the team at International Used Truck Centers can help you find what you need. Contact us to learn more about our used truck inventory! We’re also a reliable source for truck maintenance tips, such as how to customize your sleeper and how to choose the right tires.

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