Defensive Driving Tips for Truck Drivers

October 31, 2022

Trucker's Corner

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The roads of and can be unpredictable, so it’s important to stay sharp on your route. In this guide, we walk you through some of the top defensive driving trips for truck drivers to transform your route and keep you safer in .

Top 10 Defensive Driving Tips

  1. Think Ahead: Before you start driving, try to look ahead to see if there are any traffic reports or road closures. Having a plan B in your back pocket can be a huge time-saver in case you run into obstacles.
  2. Stay Focused: Distracted driving can be a major hazard on the go, so make things easier on yourself. Avoid using your phone, keep your music at a low volume, and don’t fidget with the radio to stay as focused on the road as possible.
  3. Anticipate Hazards: When you drive a commercial vehicle, you’ll need far more time to stop than a standard sedan or SUV. Scan the roads and look ahead 10-15 seconds down the road. This can help you prepare for any hazards you spot.
  4. Keep Distance: For every 10 mph you move, give yourself one or two seconds of reaction time. That means keeping a good distance between you and surrounding traffic and avoiding tailgating.
  5. Create Escapes: Drive strategically, so you’re not boxed into traffic. Keep open spaces in front of your vehicle, as well as to the side when possible. This allows you to maneuver quickly out of the way if needed.
  6. Check Blind Spots: A smaller car can hide in your blind spots, so make good use of your mirrors. Give yourself plenty of space while turning, and consider adding blindspot cameras for added peace of mind.
  7. Focus At Intersections: Intersections can be hectic, and drivers aren’t always on their best behavior. Be on alert and give yourself a few seconds before accelerating out of an intersection, just in case a vehicle runs the light.
  8. Adjust Speed: When you’re in a regular car, following the speed limits is a great idea. But if you’re in a commercial vehicle, you might need to drive below the speed limit to account for extra braking room. Also weigh factors like the weather, visibility, traffic conditions, and cargo weight. 
  9. Don’t Reverse: If possible, avoid backing up. It’s much harder to see behind a commercial truck, so when you can, try to use the space in front of you to turn around instead. Using the designated delivery areas will give you the extra space that you need.
  10. Stay Calm: The roads can be stressful, so stick to your guns and don’t drive recklessly – even if the surrounding traffic is irritating. If needed, slow down to give yourself extra space. And be sure to prioritize your health with healthy foods, proper hydration, good sleep, and plenty of breaks.

Learn More Defensive Driving Tips with International Used Truck Center

We’ve gone through some of the top defensive driving tips for truck drivers, but if you want more commercial driving tips, feel free to contact us at International Used Truck Center. Whether you want to know about truck maintenance or International Truck models, we’re here to help you out on the roads!

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