What is Semi-Synthetic Oil?

November 19, 2020

The Rolling Rig

Keep a worry-free truck with these maintenance tips!

In today’s market, understanding the different types of semi truck oil can be quite the task. There are conventional oils, synthetic oils, and plenty of options in between. Truckers often ask International Used Truck Center, “What is semi-synthetic oil and what is a semi-synthetic oil change?” We cover the facts to know about semi synthetic oil and whether it’s right for your semi truck oil choice below!

What is Semi-Synthetic Oil: Types of Oil

Before getting into semi-synthetic oil, it’s important for truck drivers to know the difference between synthetic and conventional oils. Here’s what to know, generally, about the walls in between which semi-synthetic oil stands:

  • Conventional Oil: Conventional oil is the least-refined type of oil. This oil is made from mineral oil with some additives that help with temperature regulation. Recommended for low-mileage and moderately-used vehicles, this is also the cheapest type of oil.
  • Synthetic Oil: As its name suggests, synthetic oil is created in a laboratory. The high refinement level and the additives on synthetic oil products help with high-performance vehicles that encounter extreme weather conditions. You’ll find all-synthetic oil on luxury vehicles and synthetic semi truck oil on heavy-duty trucks.

So, considering this, what is a semi-synthetic oil change and can it be a useful choice for semi truck oil?

What is a Semi-Synthetic Oil Change?

It’s appropriate that semi-synthetic oil is available for a semi truck oil change at International Used Truck Center. So, in what cases should you choose semi-synthetic oils, and what exactly are they?

  • Semi-Synthetic Construction: Not all semi-synthetic oils are made the same. Semi-synthetic oil or synthetic blends are made from both conventional and synthetic sources. It’s best to consult your owner’s manual to see if this oil meets your standards.
  • Affordability: Synthetic oils can be expensive. Those who want a motor oil that doesn’t wear down in cold temperatures but don’t want to burn a hole in their wallet choose semi-synthetic oils to save money.
  • Innovation: Oil manufacturing is an exciting field that’s changing quickly, so make sure to check with experts at our truck parts center to find out your options.
  • Can you mix synthetic and conventional oil?: If your vehicle calls for conventional oil, you should be able to get better oil performance with synthetic oils. However, it’s not recommended that you put conventional oil in an engine that requires synthetic oil.

Find a Truck with International Used Truck Center

At International Used Truck Center, we want truckers to know exactly what to do to take care of their vehicles. That’s why we offer maintenance tips and expert advice whenever you need it. Contact us today with any questions about semi-synthetic oil and more!

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