How to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Cab During Summer
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How to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Cab During Summer
Many trucking companies allow drivers to bring pets along in the semi truck cab, but it’s important to note that there will nearly always be restrictions regarding the type, number, and size of pet. If your pet meets the baseline requirements, then you’ll need to acquire proof of vaccination against rabies and keep the documentation with you at all times. If you’ll be crossing state lines, you’ll also need a Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection.
Once your pet has gotten the all-clear from the vet’s office, it’s time to hit the road! Before you get going, your semi truck cab will need some upgrades designed for keeping pets safe in the summer heat. Check out our top tips, below.
Control the Climate
Keeping pets safe in summer heat is simple enough while you’re actually driving, since you’ll be running the AC or rolling down the windows to keep the cabin cool. But there are a few extra considerations when it comes to your pet, such as the thickness of their coat. If your dog’s coat is dense and thick, visit a groomer to have it shortened and thinned out before the temps start to soar. You also shouldn’t leave your pet in the cab alone for any amount of time on very hot days, since you aren’t there to control the climate. Whether you’re stopping at a must-see roadside attraction or just running out to buy a bottle of water, bring your furry friend along.
Bring Pet Food and Plenty of Water
Stock up on your pet’s preferred food and a large supply of bottled water. This way, you won’t be caught unprepared when your pet is more thirsty than normal. Some drivers prefer the convenience of collapsable water bowls or even water bottles designed for dogs.
Create a Pet-Friendly Spot in Your Semi Truck Cab
The noise and movement of a semi truck cab can be stressful for pets, so we suggest creating a designated area in the cab where they can relax. Cleanliness is an important part of a comfortable semi truck cab—for both you and your pet. Be sure to wash the pet bed on a regular basis, and to change the cabin filter more often than you normally would. Providing your dog with chew toys and other items that they like can keep them occupied and prevent anxious behaviors.
Explore Custom Upgrades for Your Semi Truck Cab
We’d love to hear from you about any useful tips that have worked to keep you and your pet healthy and comfortable over the years! We’re happy to answer any further questions about keeping pets safe, whether in the summer heat or on freezing winter nights. Contact us to learn more about pet-friendly customizations for your sleeper semi truck cab!